– “Adiwiraku,” which translates to “My Superheroes,” is a 2017 Malaysian film that has captured the hearts of many with its poignant narrative and powerful message. Directed by Eric Ong and written by Jason Chong, this film is based on a true story that highlights the challenges and triumphs of a dedicated teacher in a rural Malaysian school.

The Storyline

Set in the small town of Sungai Petani in Kedah, Malaysia, “Adiwiraku” follows the journey of Cheryl Ann Fernando, a passionate teacher who is determined to make a difference in the lives of her students. The film portrays Cheryl’s efforts to inspire and motivate her students, who come from underprivileged backgrounds, to participate in and win the National Choral Speaking Competition. Her journey is filled with obstacles, from lack of resources to the personal issues her students face, yet her unyielding spirit and commitment shine through.

Themes and Impact

“Adiwiraku” emphasizes the power of education and the role of a teacher as a beacon of hope. It showcases the transformative impact that dedication and perseverance can have on a community. The film is not only a tribute to the teaching profession but also a reminder of the potential within every student, regardless of their circumstances.

Critical Reception

The film received positive reviews for its heartfelt storytelling and strong performances, particularly by Sangeeta Krishnasamy, who played Cheryl. It resonated with audiences and critics alike, earning accolades for its portrayal of real-life heroism and the struggles within the Malaysian education system. “Adiwiraku” won the Best Film award at the 29th Malaysian Film Festival, further cementing its status as a significant contribution to Malaysian cinema.


“Adiwiraku” is more than just a movie; it is a celebration of resilience and the human spirit. It serves as an inspiration not only for educators but for anyone striving to make a positive impact in their community. With its authentic depiction of life’s challenges and victories, “Adiwiraku” continues to inspire audiences, reminding us of the everyday heroes among us.

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